Seed Vs. Turf:  The Cost of Growing Grass on your Property

Lots of people want to know how much it costs to establish grass on their property.

The cost of grass depends on several factors.

The first consideration is whether you want to plant seed (usually in the Fall or Spring) or purchase turf.

If you want to see a lawn you will first need to create a substrate of sand / soil. Depending on the existing conditions, this may include clearing, levelling and then trucking in materials.

Similarly, the same process is required for turf, although it can also be established on a surface of fine gravel, if you don’t mind fertilising the area on an annual basis.

The cost for turf is substantially more than seed at about 35 cents per square foot plus delivery, turf is available from Courtney, Parksville and Nanaimo.

Contact us at 250-725-2245 if you would like Cory to provide a quote.  We can help you with clearing, levelling, trucking in materials and supplying and installing turf. 

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